Courntey is Honora's friend from college who also is from Boulder. She was supervising a Tibetan Studies study-abroad group while we were there! so happy to have met her finally!

I can't remember this guy's name but he and Jeff saw each other in a cafe and figured out that they were on the same little league team together! small planet!! (NPP)

Lyle!!!! Our new awesome friend who scales mountains, hunts dragons, graduates from Stanford, AND gets invited to Kashmiri weddings!

Next couple of shots are from an open mic we attended after eating out at our favorite vegetarian Japanese restaurant (no sushi!)
This is Adriana. (NPP)

Taylor and me. I don't think there have been any other photos of Taylor thus far. However, Taylor was the glue of our posse. 19 years old. Canadian. Taking a few years off to travel the world. and live in berlin. He did a couple of performances that this night that had us all peeing in our pants. Flight of the concords. Business Time. Her we are performing i will survive. Taken by Honora (GOP stands for glue of posse)

This is Mark, Irishman, straight-talker, sweet, traveled through Iran on a bus. He was with our posse from the first shots with Lyle and Alex and friends but i didn't have a good photo. anyhow, Mark quickly became our friend because we kept on bumping into him at the Green cafe, our Mcleod Ganj haunt, where we would all decide to do something together. Taylor would inevitably show up at some point and we would all coordinate. Jared and Amy would bump into Taylor and it would become a huge party. Mark, Honora and i later traveled to the hottest place on earth, Amritsar in Punjab on the Indian/Pakistani border, where we tore it up. a little. well as much as you can in 110 degree heat.

This is Amy. She and Jared were roommates and she was the cutest thing ever!! She was a 19 year old German girl who was the hippiest little German girl ever! She would do and say things like put her hand on someone's shoulder and say, "i vas giving you healing energy and reading your aura, ya." and she would be totally happy and serious when she said it in her adorable little German accent. it was like she was trying so hard to be a hippy but because she was German it wasn't in the least annoying! She is living in Bangalore and working.

excellent photos lizzie
ReplyDeletefav(s) pick!
- the first photo of Honora
- the first photo of you
- the one of you in bed reading
- all the ones of the pipe smoking :)
yay photos :)
hope the tour is still going strong :)