Friday, 1 May 2009

Special Passenger Party

The captain had his cap on and the stewardesses their hair. The staff buzzed around putting the finishing touches on the decor of the S.S. Passenger, a light bulb replacement here, a blow up crab there. The room hummed with excitement as we all waited for the first passengers to board! Once the guests began to arrive we launched the ship smashing a bottle of champagne against the hull (aka Annie blew a train whistle) and we were off on a 5 hour adventure into the musical madness of special passengerdom.
Please enjoy these photos of the evening!!! Videos to come later!!

The Magnificent Emily Baker

Hunter accompanying the magnificent Emily Baker

Swashbuckling sailors!

Chris Wheeler opened the night with a catchy acoustic set, a tambourine strapped to his foot and some floaties.

DJ Swingset kept us all entertained inbetween sets and helped with sound for the bands as seen here.