This morning was the same as the other days so far nothing new to report. this evening however i had to get to 121 studios from Millsaps college. the college is completely closed to West St. by a gate that goes all the way down. otherwise i could just cut right through. I think that I understand why it's closed in an empathetic sort of way but not in a logical let's shut out the community sort of way. anyway, more on that another day. so i went down state and then got to experience something i didn't expect. I took a left on Woodrow Wilson and decided not to go on the street so i stayed on the southern side sidewalk. It was smooth and paved all the way down. very walkable, wheelchairable, bikable, skateboardable even. it was very nice. also the pavement on the newly paved street felt so good under my tires when i crossed the street and took the mill st. exit. Serendipitously i saw another cyclist passing by me as i got to thie stop sign and recognized it immediately as being none other than fellow carless week participant Emily Baker and her trusty Phoenix. (which reminds me i should name my bike!) Em and i chatted as we rode and arrived to the Hanukkah Party! I was a little stressed when i got there i'll admit. but after seeing my lovely lovelies play in the Hanukettes i felt good and so glad that i went. I called it an early evening and my friend Ward and i cycled down mill st. to Mitchell then cut through the neighborhood to get to my house. he rode in circles around me while we talked a little while in the street then he discontinued his circle and headed home in a relatively linear manner. i would say a one hundred degree angle actually. It was so nice to have a buddy i rode at a very leisurely pace and we talked the whole way. i generally ride really quickly i realized. as quickly as my legs will go if i'm alone.
An observation!:
last night and tonight the students i've been studying with at millsaps have felt so sorry for me that i was riding home and have offered me rides. They say it's too cold and that they'll drive me home! so maybe the earmuffs haven't scared them off (or they haven't seen them yet) and also i think it's interesting how they can't possibly imagine me riding my bike for 15 minutes in 40 degree weather. especially cause most of them are athletes that have to train for hours in this weather. hmm. anyhow they're sweet and i appreciate it and have been tired and wouldn't mind a ride but then how would i get to school the next day. and then i get on my bike and start to ride home and i quite enjoy it and think, "i can't imagine why i considered taking that ride offer. this is just very nice."